Look here for reading material
Latest update: 2004.05.29
Old and Traditional
English folklore
Celtic folklore
Sacred Texts:
Legends and sagas
List of published texts at
(Corpus of ELectronic Texts)
The Iliad
, a recent translation by Ian Johnston
Periodicals, on-line and dead-tree
The San Francisco
The London
Daily Telegraph
The Sunday Times
of London
The Chicago Tribune
Private Eye
International Teletimes
De Proverbio
, An International Journal of Proverb Studies
Internet on a Disk
(back issues)
Classical and Other
reviews are found here.
You can find lists of on-line zines
You can find the same
categorized by subject here.
Book reviews
Home Page
Steve Brock Book Reviews
Ed's Internet Book Reviews
Individual authors
Jane Austen
's writings
A.E. Housman
: "A Shropshire Lad"
Edgar Allan Poe
's House of Usher
Mark Twain
Resources on the World Wide Web
The poets in
Representative Poetry
Martin's Poetry Page
Looking for something to read? Try this
Project Gutenberg
master index.
Here are
Project Gutenberg's 1994-1995
You can access
Wiretap books
from here.
This is
Project Bartleby
from Columbia University.
The English Server 1 english-server.hss.cmu.edu 70 1ftp:English Server:Fiction:
Here's how to access the
Internet Book Information Center
Some interesting
literary stuff
Electronic Reading Room
Library of Congress
Coombspapers Data Bank
(social science & humanities research papers and documents)
World Systems Archive
International Philosophical Preprint Exchange
UC Santa Cruz On-Line Library
Virtual Electronic Library
This document is owned by:
Don Harlow <donh1@donh.best.vwh.net>