You can access several Esperanto events from this document.
Last updated: 2007.11.29
This page contains a more-or-less current list of Esperanto events that have descriptive pages on the World Wide Web, as well as reports of some past events. A more complete calendar of events, most without web pages but with snail-mail addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers and/or e-mail addresses can be found at: Eventoj
A map of future events can be found at: Esperantoland
Reports on some Esperanto events that occurred before the year 2000 can be found here
Reports on some Esperanto events that occurred in the year 2000 can be found here
Reports on some Esperanto events that occurred in the year 2001 can be found here
Reports on some Esperanto events that occurred in the year 2002 can be found here
Reports on some Esperanto events that occurred in the year 2003 can be found here
Reports on some Esperanto events that occurred in the year 2004 can be found here
Reports on some Esperanto events that occurred in the year 2005 can be found here
Reports on some Esperanto events that occurred in the year 2006 can be found here
Report: Nov-Zelanda Esperanto-Asocio, Kongreso 2007
... New Zealand Esperanto Association Congress 2007, Christchurch, New Zealand,
Feb. 3 - 5, 2007
Fotoraportoj: Kampardoma Renkontiĝo
... Countryside House Get-Together, Madrid, Spain,
Mar. 9 - 11, 2007
De Nuno Magelhãaes
De Joan Inglada
Fotoraporto: Esperanto-Tagoj kun BAVELO-Jarkunveno ()
... Esperanto Days with the Annual Meeting of the Bavarian Esperanto League, Edenkoben, Germany,
Apr. 27 - 29, 2007
De André Grossman
Fotoraporto: 100-jarigo de Esperanto-Asocio de Finnlando: Jubilea tago
... Photo-Report: Centennial Day of the Esperanto Association of Finland, Helsinki, Finland,
Apr. 28, 2007
BARo (Berlina Arbara Renkontiĝo)
... Berlin Forest Get-Together, Bad Münder, Germany,
May 16 - 20, 2007
Primitiva Renkontiĝo
... Primitive Get-Together, Den Dolder, The Netherlands,
May 16 - 20, 2007
Jarkongreso de Sveda Esperanto-Federacio
... Annual Conference of the Swedish Esperanto Federation, Lesjöfors, Sweden,
May 18 - 20, 2007
5a Mez-Kanada Renkontiĝo
... 5th Mid-Canadian Get-Together, Montréal, PQ, Canada,
May 19 - 21, 2007
Fotoraporto: 38a Internacia Infana Kongreseto
... Photo Report: 38th International Children's Congress, Jacugatake, Japan,
Aug. 4 - 11, 2007
24-a Internacia Festivalo
... 24th International Festival, Bendorf, Germany,
Dec. 27, 2007 - Jan. 3, 2008
6a "Novjara Renkontiĝo"
... 6th "New Year Meeting", Föckinghausen, Germany,
Dec. 27, 2007 - Jan. 3, 2008
Oceania Kongreso 2008
... Oceania Congress 2008, Auckland, New Zealand,
Jan. 14 - 23, 2008
5-a Azia Kongreso de Esperanto
... 5th Asian Esperanto Congress, Bangalore, India,
Feb. 11 - 15, 2008
24a Printempa Semajno Internacia
... 24th Springtime International Week, Waldfischbach-Burgalben, Germany,
Mar. 21 - 28, 2008
39a Internacia Infana Kongreseto
... 39th International Children's [Esperanto] Congress, Oostvorne, The Netherlands,
Jul. 19 - 26, 2008
Kultura Esperanto-Festivalo
... Cultural Esperanto Festival, Helsingør, Denmark,
July 27 - Aug. 3, 2008